Broadcasting of Dolasila on TML Tele Minoranze Linguistiche / TrentinoTV Television in the television programme “L Cianton de l’Istitut” ( with original music and musical performance by Susy Rottonara recorded during the multimedia Installation Dolasila with texts by Roland Verra and art works by Rott about the Ladin legend of the Reign of Fanes on the 6/08/2013 in Pozza di Fassa at the Festival “Saints, witches and heroines”. Broadcasting Schedule: 18.11: h 15.45 h 21.15 19.11: h 18.00 h 23.15 20.11: h 11.00 h 21.45 21.11: h 14.30 h 20.15 22.11: h 11.30 h 22.00 23.11: h 01.00 h 17.30 24.11: h 15.15 h 21.00

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