Presentation of the Catalogue of the Exhibition on pictures and artworks about  La Ila/La Villa by Vijo Rottonara de Francësch (1893-1956) and Lois Rottonara ROTT

Authors: Susy Rottonara and Werner Pescosta

Edited by: Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü, Cultural Council of the Municipality of Badia (BZ) – Italy

8/10/2023, h 18, La Villa, Ciasa de Cultura, Biblioteca Sas dla Crusc

Catalogue in four languages  -ladin Val Badia, Italian, German and English

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PRESS: Alto Adige, Dolomiten, La Usc di Ladins

Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü

The authors Werner Pescosta and Susy Rottonara with Lois Rottonara ROTT