
La ciaceda de Ey de Net

Ora per i montes
y valedes tralascedes,
ancontra ai crëps dlacei
che fej da sëida al rëni
contra la tieres desgrujëntes
di Bedojeres,
nchina ju tla longia planadura
y sula rives blances dl mer
zënza eurijont
te chiere…
Y mé l miraje
de n amor perdù per for
me ciacia inant
ora per dalonces scunesciudes,
ti uedli che vëij tla nuet
ie vierces sën,
ne te vëiji plu nia
y mé l lecord me bruja
de ti paroles morbes
che l vënt destuda…

Ey de Net’s banishment

I am looking for you
everywhere in the mountains,
near the icy crags
fencing off
the dreary country
of the Bedoyeres,
down to the wide plains
and on the white shores
of the endless sea
Only the ghost
of my lost love
hunts me onwards
into unknown distances,
your eyes which shone at night
are blind now,
I cannot see you anymore,
only the memory burns me
of your tender words,
cancelled by the wind…[/one_half_last]