
Ganes de Fanes

La portes dl ciastel fova daviertes,
deguna verdies sul’auta muredes,
degun strions stemiëusc sui jëufes,
deguna sëites de mitel y spedes …
L rëni vivova tla pesc,
sula montes vërdes de Fanes,
ntlëuta stajovi adum
cun la muntanioles liegres
y l’eguia julova alauta
a vardé si sëides …
Deguni ne univa adalerch
tl chiet dla montes
y scunesciù fova l lujer
traditëur dl or
juinsom l’Aurona
che cunteniva la mort …
Dai crëps arjentei rundeniva
la cianties dla Ganes,
pundudes sula rives
di lec stramudënc
a ngiané i jëuni
che les criva …
La portes dl ciastel fova daviertes,
deguna verdies sul’auta muredes,
degun strions stemiëusc sui jëufes,
deguna sëites de mitel y spedes …
L’eguia alaut tl brum
de n ciel massa dalonc,
si cich strandlà,
canche te foves pieda te si sgrinfles …
La portes dl ciastel fova daviertes,
deguna verdies sul’auta muredes,
degun strions stemiëusc sui jëufes,
deguna sëites de mitel y spedes…
L’eguia alaut tl brum
de n ciel massa dalonc,
si cich strandlà,
canche te foves pieda te si sgrinfles…

Ganes of Fanes

The gates of the castle stood wide open,
no guards on the high walls,
no ghastly sorcerers on the mountain-passes,
no sharp arrows and swords at all…

The reign lived in peace
on the high mountains of Fanes,
in times past they lived together
with the merry marmosets
and the eagle flew above
to guard its borders…

Nobody disturbed
the quiet of the mountains
and the treacherous shine of gold
announcing death
at the bottom of Aurona
was unknown to them…

From the silver peaks resounded
the Auguanes’ songs,
who lay on the shore
of magic lakes,
making fun of the young men
on their pursuit…

The gates of the castle stood wide open,
no guards on the high walls,
no ghastly sorcerers on the mountain-passes,
no sharp arrows and swords at all…

The eagle high
in the far blue sky,
its strangled cry,
when you were caught in its claws…
