Legend of the Reign of Fanes


  The legend tells about the fall of the mythic Reign of Fanes, caused by the longing for increasing power of the last king of Fanes, who obliges one of his twin-daughters, Dolasila, to fight against the neighbour people with bewitched weapons. Dolasila wears a precious gem called Rajëta, that is the symbol of power [...]

Legend of the Reign of Fanes2017-07-31T14:13:49+02:00

Press Eventi


Online dedicated reports: Music and Stars Magazine, The Pink Backbone -Affari di donne/Donne d'affari,  Fashionluxury, Fashionluxury (Fashion Art and More) International press The Sunday Times of Malta, The Malta Independent, l-orizzont, California Literary Review, Die Neue Bildpost, Servus Magazin International and national TV & Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, [...]

Press Eventi2024-02-15T16:07:56+01:00

Press Film


National and international Television and Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, RAI e Radio Sender Bozen, RAI e Radio regionale del Trentino Alto Adige, Video Bolzano 33, RAI International, TML – Tele Minoranze Linguistiche, TCA, Südtirol Heute – ORF, Radju Malta. National and local press Il Corriere della sera/Il Corriere [...]

Press Film2024-02-15T16:15:20+01:00
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